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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taylor Momsen: ‘I’ll See Your Grammys and Raise You a British Accent’

Taylor Momsen Panty Flash

I swear to God Taylor Momsen has a copy of Miley Cyrus‘ schedule because literally every – damn – time Miley shows up somewhere trying to prove she’s all grow’d up now, Taylorthrows a peep show because she’s a 40-year-old truck stop whore trapped in a 17-year-old’s body. “Dicks? Pfft. They don’t do nuthin’ for me anymore. A hack hack hack! Lousy black lung. Handy?”
But at least Taylor finally wore a new outfit before playing El Rey this weekend and addressing the crowd in, what I’m 90% positive was, a British accent (after the jump). Which is perfect. I was just saying the other day we need more Gwyneth Paltrows in the world. Brave soldiers threatening to kill themselves in the event their child is forced to eat Cup-a-Soup. Tackling the hard issues that plague the bourgeois before they find themselves trapped in a quagmire of plebeian cuisine. “My word, is this Olive Garden? Line the children out back, Winifred. We shall die as a family. Breadsticks, dreadful.”
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash

Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Taylor Momsen Panty Flash
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 by didan · 0

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